Karen Fardell
Innovator and future proofing expert
Karen Fardell has 20 years’ experience in PR and marketing in the self-build and home improvement sector.
Her passion for future proofing homes for all ages, life stages and eventualities was inspired after surviving a brain haemorrhage in 2011 and three years later, having her first baby.
These experiences kick started her mission to empower home improvers and self-builders with the missing information needed to create energy efficient, inclusive homes able to adapt and care for people and the planet.
Future Proof My Home went live in 2023 but Karen’s innovation journey started and the research behind the concept started in 2013 with a scholarship from the Design Council to undertake a Masters in innovation.
She graduated with distinction from Cass Business School in 2016 for her service design dissertation on future proofing and went on to win £138,000 in grant funding from Innovate UK.
The concept has since been shortlisted for the Guardian's PEA (People & Environment) awards (pipping Tesla to the post) and selected for the Big Innovation Pitch at Future Build.
Website: http://www.futureproofmyhome.co.uk/
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